Feedback Frames

What are Feedback Frames?

Traditional group decision-making techniques are riddled with inefficiencies and social biases. Complicated online tools may add unnecessary friction unless you have a dispersed national or international team.

Feedback Frames are simple analog tools for secret score voting on many options. Participants rate each idea by dropping a token in a range of slots that are hidden by a cover, with results later revealed as a visual graph of opinions. Quickly recognise collective opinions on many statements using a reliable and fun process while avoiding groupthink and requiring any technology. The technic works efficiently for large groups and dozens of ideas. Find the ‘wisdom of the crowd’ without relying on an app.

When there is a need to prioritise participant-generated statements in response to an open-ended invitation, such as:

  • Questions to be answered
  • Topics to be explored
  • Proposals to be recommended
  • Concerns to be addressed
  • Suggestions to be considered

Feedback Frames can be used on their own in a regular meeting or as a tool within a facilitation to gain some clear answers or consensus.

Contact us today for an obligation free discussion about your next event.