5 Tips for Overcoming Being Overwhelmed


As we embark on the new year, we often experience the overwhelming feeling we often experience – the feeling that there is just too much we need to get done and have not done to our satisfaction or by our own deadline.

What we have to understand is that our “To-Do” list can be daunting.

Try these five tips for overcoming the overwhelm:

#1. Get Organized: Overwhelm happens when we let things go. Does your house need a good tidying up? Dusting, re-doing room and closet organization and decluttering can make a huge impact. The same applies to the workspace you spend a lot of time in. Take an hour or two to organize your files, desk and other supplies – it will give you a sense of accomplishment. Clear space will also give you a clearer mind approach.

#2. Stop Overthinking: Sometimes, we wait too long to make decisions, overanalyze our options or just procrastinate because we feel we haven’t done enough research. We wait longer and longer, thinking that there is more we should do. This can lead to more and more anxiety. Sometimes, you should just start. Stop overthinking, sit down and make a decision. Dump your ideas into a To-Do List, if that works for you.

#3. Learn to Say ‘No’: This applies to anything we take on – from favours to volunteering and adding more responsibilities to our already overflowing plate. We sometimes go ahead with commitments we’ve made, even when we don’t have time to do them. But, arriving late will cause finger-pointing, which is worse than saying no. You’re only human, so you’re going to have to be selective about what you commit to doing. Remember when you say “No” to something or someone you’re saying “Yes” to you.

#4. Don’t Procrastinate: Overwhelming occurs when we don’t do something when we should. This causes us to feel more and more stress and pressure – starting a job or finishing up a project. Anti-procrastination is the best way to fight feeling overwhelmed. Large or small, pretty much all tasks can be broken down into smaller tasks, which allow you to cross off that much needed To-Do list.

#5. Prioritize: When you start to feel overwhelmed, stop trying to think of everything at once and prioritize by importance. Make a list of what you need to do in order of what’s most important at this time. “A” Priorities = Must Be Done, “B” Priorities = Should Be Done, “C” Priorities = Could Be Done. Then under each priority list them as A1, A2, B1, B2 etc. Then just tackle one at a time in order, the sense of accomplishment that you will feel will surprise you.

#Try to relax, take a break and take time out from the overload. I wish you all an amazing 2022, working in a fast, effective and organized way to accomplish everything that you would like to in a non-stressful way. Good luck with your mission.


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